A safe place for all
We are committed to ensuring that Slough Baptist Church is a safe space for all, that’s why we take safeguarding seriously. All of our staff and volunteers who work with children, young people or adults at risk undertake DBS checks and safeguarding training.
If you have any questions about safeguarding at Slough Baptist Church or you have a concern about an individual you can contact our . If you think the person is in imminent danger please contact the police by calling 999 or 101.
You can also download the latest versions of our safeguarding policies and procedures for Children and Young People and Adults at Risk.
If you have agreed to join our team as a volunteer with Children, Young People or Adults at Risk please download and read the appropriate policy above. You can then apply to join the team by completing this application form. This will enable you to provide us with references and give us the details required to start your DBS check.